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Panama City Beach, Florida Fishing Report for October 2023*

Panama City Beach, Florida Fishing Report for October 2023*

Welcome back Gulf Coast Sportsmen to our fishing report for October 2023 in Panama City Beach, Florida.  First and foremost, we want to extend our thoughts to every in Southwest Florida affected by Hurricane Ida and hope all of Florida stays in tune to the tail, but more active end of Hurricane season this year. Be sure to keep a check on the NHC Hurricane tracking to stay up to date.

October is always great fishing in the Panama City Beach area with a wide variety of species sportsmen can target. Everything from redfish and trout in the bays, to amberjack, wahoo, and king mackerel farther offshore. Additionally, as temperatures cool off both in the air and water, fishing conditions are just great for most of the month. However, always be paying attention to the tropics and make sure to plan if a major storm makes it way in the Gulf as mentioned above! If you’re visiting from out of town and are staying somewhere between Panama City Beach and Destin, go check out the Destin Fishing Rodeo over at the docks by Harborwalk Marina and AJ’s. There are daily weigh-ins, and it is always a fun time to see what other anglers have brought in. Book a charter guide  to get out on Panama City Beach Water ways and get a bite!


Inshore fishing in the Panama City Beach area has been quite plentiful. The vast majority of catches have been redfish and trout around docs and other structure. The drop in temperatures have pushed them from the flats into the deeper waters around docks.  Live shrimp have been the best option.  Additionally, flounder has been productive. It’s worth noting that flounder closes mid-month until the end of November. Going at night with some spotlights in shallow water with a  flounder gig has given the most success.


In Panama City Beach, water conditions have made deep water trolling more difficult, but some wahoo have shown up for the sportsmen that have been able to get out there. This should improve as the month goes on, just keep an eye on the tropics especially if another storm comes in the gulf.  Amberjack action has been excellent. Closer nearshore has shown some insane action for Amberjacks. They have been taking live bait and have been hitting Nomad Vertical Drop Jigs. Our team went out on a trip early in the month and had a blast catching Ambers. Nearer shore doesn’t have as many of the big keeper sized but they are there. Pound for pound, even the small ones are one of the best fights in the Panama City Beach area.

Beaches and Piers

Panama City Beach pier has seen an influx of redfish on the surf end of the pier. Live bait in the form of shrimp or finger mullet have been enticing a bite as the reds move. If unavailable, they will also take dead frozen shrimp or a quartered crab. The big ones are smart, a less visible fluorocarbon leader in the 15-25lb range will help sportsmen get a bite.  A few Spanish and kings, but more of those should show up as the month goes on. Pompano have been the mainstay along the beach with only a few whiting. Mid-day, the pompano have moved deeper.  The best option is still your pompano jigs with cut pieces of fish bites. Book a trip now!

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