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Shark Fishing Laws in Florida

Shark Fishing Laws in Florida

Prohibited methods of shark fishing in Florida

While shark fishing takes place all along Florida’s shoreline, Florida Laws states you must be within 300 feet of the shoreline when catching sharks off public and private piers.  In addition, when targeting sharks, any hook with two or more points is illegal, as well as using stainless steel hooks. The reasoning is that stainless steel and non off-set hooks will not decompose into the shark’s skin, making it difficult to remove the hook safely without harming the shark. “Chumming” is also another method that involves throwing fish remains and blood into the water to attract an easier catch, this is prohibited when targeting sharks in Florida.

Illegal sharks to possess in Florida

Shark species that are illegally harvested in Florida include Tiger Sharks, Hammerhead and Great Whites among others. On the contrary, Black-tip sharks, Bull sharks, Atlantic Sharpnose as well as Big Nose Sharks and many others are legal to catch in Florida. In addition to the many sharks, predominantly caught offshore in Florida, the Atlantic Sharpnose is a much smaller shark often caught in the bays and inshore waterways. These small sharks are among the best to eat according to most fishermen. This link includes a list of all the sharks that are illegal to catch in Florida.

Shark fishing gear used in Florida

Florida State Laws do require a special land-based shark fishing permit when surf fishing for sharks using gear. Additionally, there are size requirements for keeping many of the larger legal shark species. It’s important to know the federal harvesting restrictions when catching sharks in Florida waters. You may not catch any shark using traps or spears as it is a federal violation. If you catch a shark you can keep, another key point to remember is they must pass whole condition requirements by the state of Florida which states that the shark must have fins, tail, and head attached to the shark’s body pulled onshore.

As a result, Shark fishing laws in Florida are in place to protect various species of sharks when fishing for sharks in Florida from shore the state does require licensed fisherman to obtain an additional permit. Click here to learn more. It’s important to know what locations prohibit shark fishing and what regulations can come in to play. Shark fishing laws mostly depend and vary for different states. If these laws and regulations sound overwhelming, we work with many highly experienced fishermen that can point you in the right direction!

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